Tree Care

Fruit Tree and Aesthetic Pruning

ISA Certified Arborist # WE-14079A

Dormant Pruning

Dormant pruning is essential for maintaining the health and vigor of most fruit trees. This is when we make our bigger cuts and focus on creating the optimal form and structure of the tree.

Summer Pruning

Most fruit trees highly benefit from summer pruning to induce fruit bud production, reduce size of the tree, and allow sunlight to reach ripening fruit. Additionally- citrus, cherries, nectarines, apricots, and olives should only be pruned during the dry, warmer months.

Aesthetic Pruning

Well-maintained trees are one of the most striking features of a landscape. For optimal results, it is best to start pruning when trees are young to develop a strong structure and pleasing form. Annual maintenance pruning is recommended for most trees. I am equipped to prune trees up to 20 ft in height.

